Sunday, October 28, 2007

Take a trip to Taipei

Happily finished the exam at this week. Three of my classmates-宜樺, 國勤, 睿恩 and I decided to take a one day trip to Taipei.We went to Taipei by 國勤's car. Then we took MRT and bus to Taipei 101. That was the first time I saw Taipei 101 with my eyes. It is realy an extremely tall building. Then we ate lunch at Buger King and saw a movie in Vieshow. But we had no idea what to see. Finally we decided to see something exciting-Halloween! About this movie I will write in next blog.

After we saw the movie, we decided to go to 錢櫃KTV. We sang in KTV for about three hours. But I have no talent in singing. It was expensive to sing in KTV, I think I won't come anymore. We had dimmer in 永和豆漿,it's really good to taste.

Then we finished all the day in Taipei and went back to school. I didn't buy anything but I spent nearly 1000 dollars. Fortunately, I surely have a great time in Taipei.

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